Łukasz Rostkowski

Łukasz Rostkowski

What are your qualifications to work as a trainer?

I am a master of physical education and a certified personal trainer. In addition, I have several valuable training courses, such as, for example, a boxing instructor, a motor preparation trainer or a masseur.

Your experience and professional successes?

I have been a trainer for five years, although I have been associated with sports for as long as I can remember. The experience that is still collected makes me a better coach every year. As for the successes, there are people who have lost several kilos in about a year thanks to my help, however, I am most pleased and satisfied when I can help someone return to a normal life, by which I mean a return after an injury or getting rid of long-lasting muscle pains.

What kind of training do you specialize in?

I am most focused on strength training. It does not matter if it is training that is to help you get rid of unnecessary fat or build muscle mass. However, as mentioned above, I really like helping people recover from injuries and get rid of excessive muscle tension.

Your passions, hobbies?

I like football, which I have been involved with for many years, playing at different levels. Recently, I started playing an Olympic biathlon. Apart from sports, I like traveling very much.

Life motto

“The best investment is an investment in yourself”

Why me?

I am distinguished by a holistic approach to each mentee.
I provide care not only as a personal trainer, but also as, for example, a dietitian, physiotherapist or motivator.
I hope you will love sports as much as I do.